Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Republicans are playing Chicken with our Nations Financial Safety

Our nation is on the verge of financial collapse. This is no scare tactic, it is truth. We have a debt limit in our country, and as the name suggests it is the limit of debt that we may incur. Every now and then our congress has to vote to raise that limit. Now of course many citizens will say that if they can not raise their own debt limit than a country should not be able to either, and of course that would be the best solution for us all. Unfortunately our country does not have that option. Mostly due to the wars that we are in our National Debt went from a surplus of more than 500 Billion, when Clinton left office, to a debt of 10.6 Trillion, when Bush left office. If we default on these loans then we tell the world that we either can not pay them or that we will not pay them, and anyone that thinks either of these options are a real choice for our country is playing with fire. Unfortunately there are many people on Capital Hill playing with fire right now. The Republican members of the House and Senate have decided that although they voted for the increase every time during the Bush administration that now they are against it. They have decided that no matter the harm to American citizens, that defaulting on our debts is a good idea for our country. They have decided that our government refusing to pay the debts it has incurred is being a good role-model to the people of our country. We have until August 2nd to raise this limit before we default and our nations becomes a target for collection. Please do not think that just because we are the United States that we are immune to everything. It is not a far fall before we end up like Greece or the other nations in Europe that are in severe financial downturns. We must not allow the Republicans on capital hill to lead our nation down the path of immoral decay that they are currently dragging us down. We can all disagree on fiscal and social ideas but we can not disagree that we should maintain a good fiscal standing in the eyes of the world. Every citizen in our country needs to call their Representatives and Senators and tell them that defaulting on our loans is unacceptable and that if they allow it to happen that they will be voted out of office as soon as possible.
Written and Posted by: Peter Jenkins

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